The Guardian Broadcast
The Guardian Broadcast is a free, 15 to 25 minute weekly message crafted for the Concealed Carry American, with the purpose of helping to keep their Warrior-Edge sharp. All topics related to armed Self-Defense are covered in a happy, balanced, personal manner.
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EPISODE #60: New Year’s Resolution for all Guardians
January 19, 2016
Duration: 15:48 | Size: 10.9 MB
Welcome to the ‘New Year Resolution’ edition of the Guardian Broadcast, where we will discuss the importance of training your body to achieve the best potential handgun accuracy. Specifically, I suggest a Guardian addition to your resolution for 2016 (if you have one), and we cover one of the most important and easy to optimize of these factors: grip strength. Additionally, we identify how to easily systemize this critical training to achieve lasting results.
EPISODE #59: The #1 Defensive Use of Force Lesson from 2015
January 12, 2016
Duration: 13:01 | Size: 9 MB
This week’s Guardian Broadcast works to share with you what I believe is one of the most important lessons we can learn from 2015 (within the realm of armed self-defense): what I call, “The Overkill Principle." In a nutshell, this is the reality that in the eyes of those who will scrutinize our actions following a self-defense use-of-force incident (namely, the media and a jury), not all Deadly Force is equal. It doesn’t make much sense, but that’s the world we live in…

In this week’s Broadcast, we discuss what “overkill” is, why it lands otherwise good guys in jail, and how we can work to avoid it.
EPISODE #58: Training vs. Practice – A Critical Understanding for all Guardians
December 29, 2015
Duration: 15:51 | Size: 10.9 MB
In this week’s Guardian Broadcast, we’re discussing a critical distinction that we all need to understand before progressing too far along the path toward Responsible and Effective Guardianship: the difference between Training and Practice.

As we discuss, neither of these concepts can be allowed to replace the other. We must define each of them clearly, and then proceed to obtain the proper amount of both in the correct order.
EPISODE #57: On Psychological Balance and other Important Guardian Duties
December 15, 2015
Duration: 22:09 | Size: 15.2 MB
One of the most central factors in EFFECTIVE self-defense is balance. For example, Concealed Carry is a game of compromises: from gun selection to awareness, to draw-speed, to comfort – and on and on.

However, there is an even greater overarching way in which Balance must effect (and govern) each and every one of us – daily. We will explore this important consideration here in this week’s Guardian Broadcast.
EPISODE #56: A Practical and Actionable Response to Terrorism: The Extra Magazine Challenge
December 8, 2015
Duration: 17:39 | Size: 12.1 MB
Often, we Americans feel helpless following a terrorist attack like the one that destroyed so many lives last week in San Bernardino California.

This week’s Guardian Broadcast summarizes our position as Americans, and focuses on one practical and actionable thing you and I (responsibly armed Guardians) can do starting today (a 21 day challenge, in fact) that will help us channel our emotions from “helpless” to ACTION: Life-saving, confidence boosting ACTION.
EPISODE #55: Advice On Gifting Firearms for Christmas
December 1, 2015
Duration: 19:28 | Size: 13.4 MB
This week’s Broadcast focuses on the temptation we (as responsible firearm owners who treasure gun ownership) sometimes have to give a firearm as a gift.

This can go very well, or it can go very poorly… either setting a close friend or spouse on the path of bonding with you in the excellence of bearing a firearm – OR it can destroy any hope you might have had for getting that person interested in firearms at all!

Gifting a firearm can be done well or poorly… and it all depends on how you approach the subject… and how you present the gift. In case you’re interested, please listen (or read) this week’s broadcast for the best advice I’ve got to give on the subject.
EPISODE #54: Belief, Confidence, and Determination
November 24, 2015
Duration: 8:07 | Size: 5.6 MB
This Guardian Broadcast is about Belief, Confidence, and Determination: three things necessary for thriving as a Guardian and surviving a violent attack. These are three things I want you to have. Yet to have them, we must push in the opposite direction, first submitting to reality and objectivity, and then (sometimes painfully) examining ourselves and our abilities against that reality to identify our shortcomings.
EPISODE #53: Paris, The Government’s List of Gun Owners, Rifles Choices, and Concealment Pants
November 17, 2015
Duration: 33:52 | Size: 23.2 MB
This week’s Guardian Broadcast is focused around these topics: (i) combat against an Islamic “jihadist,” (ii) which rifle is the one to buy, and (iii) how important/expensive a quality (Tier 1) rifle should be. Finally, (iv), how do we find and select good pants for concealment and comfort, and (v) where has Justice gone–and how can we get it back?

Some people were surprised at what happened in Paris, while others are surprised only that we go as long as we do between attacks on the West. Either way, this series of tragic terrorist attack murders (and the 20 years preceding it) reminds us that we’re in for a bumpy ride over the next 20 to 50 years.

Will we personally ever encounter a terrorist in the middle of a rampage while we’re carrying concealed? The odds are about on par with our odds of being hit by lightning. We still stand a far greater chance of being attacked by an American criminal. Still: I believe there exists a psychological component to the “broken windows theory” where violent crime begets violent crime. And in that way, we must all increase our commitment to pushing further down the path toward effective Guardianship.
EPISODE #52: Combat, from Veteran Eyes
February 2, 2016
Duration: 38:25 | Size: 26.4 MB
Today’s Guardian Broadcast is a Special Edition to honor our veterans. As I explain within the broadcast, there’s one way in particular that I especially prefer to honor our veterans: by encouraging them to write their stories (no matter how boring they think they are—or how painful the process can be), and then to read and remember their stories once they’ve been written. So, today I submit a few passages from some of the memoirs I have on my shelves.
EPISODE #51: Handgun Choice, Tactical Advantage, and Calculated Risk — A New Way to Compare Weapons
November 4, 2015
Duration: 38:12 | Size: 26.2 MB
This week’s Guardian Broadcast is about the ways that we Guardians must learn to compare handguns (AGAINST each other rather than WITH each other). I describe how the Concealed Carry University “way” of comparing differs from almost everywhere else’s. I then explain the unique “disparity technique” that we all can use to decide whether to upgrade handguns—and if so, which ones to upgrade to.
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